Who May Apply
The Hendrickson scholarship Fund is an educational assistance program designed to encourage residents of Nebraska in their preparation for service in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Applicants must be:
Interested in service to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with a commitment to this denomination evidenced by a recommendation from a session or Presbyterian entity.
Pursuing a career in ministry as a Teaching Elder (ordained minister of the Word and Sacrament), Commissioned Pastor/Commissioned Ruling Elder, or Christian Educator.
Have Nebraska roots, born and raised in Nebraska OR have become rooted in Nebraska through family, education, or career.
Must be attending or prepared to attend:
PC(USA) related seminary, in person or online.
Commissioned Pastor/Commissioned Ruling Elder program approved by your home presbytery.
PC(USA) related school pursing a Christian Education degree or program approved by your home presbytery
Scholarships will not be awarded for those pursuing a D. Min., other advanced degree, continuing education event, or sabbatical leave.
Applications will be evaluated, and awards selected on the basis of information supplied and the additional required documents. Applicants must be able to demonstrate their preparation for service as a church professional. Winning consideration will focus on qualities reflected in school, church, and community activities, and academic achievement.
All applicants will be notified by the committee if they have been chosen to receive the Hendrickson scholarship. The scholarship awards may only be used toward educational costs and will be paid directly to the school or entity offering the program. The grant is a supplement to any other financial aid received by the student and becomes a part of the total financial aid package.
Applications will be considered as they are received.
Please direct questions to Deb DeMeester, director of leadership development.
The application is available as an online form or as a document you may print and complete by hand.