Who Can Apply
Application Instructions
In addition to the application form there are four supporting documents required for a complete application. The scholarship application form is available online. The rest of the documents must be submitted to the Synod Office by the appropriate office or person. All documents must be received by the Synod Office no later than the September 30 deadline. It is your responsibility to see that all documents have been submitted. When all of your documents have been received you will be notified by email. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the committee.
Application Form
The application form is available online. You may begin filling out the form, save it and return to complete it later.
Financial Aid Information
The purpose of this form is to establish your need for funding. The financial aid office or the bursar’s office must submit the completed form directly to the Synod Office via e-mail or fax (information provided on the form). Contact the office early to give them adequate time to complete and submit the form to meet the September 30 deadline. ​
Pastor’s Letter of Recommendation
Ask your pastor to write a letter of recommendation describing your qualities of character, leadership, and outstanding contributions. If your church is currently without pastoral leadership you may ask an associate pastor, the Clerk of Session, or other church officer to write a letter. If the pastor is your parent or spouse you must ask an associate pastor, Clerk of Session, or other church officer to write a letter. Allow enough time for the letter to be completed and submitted by the September 30 deadline. Letters may be submitted by email: office@lakesandprairies.org, or fax: 651-357-1141, or mail: 2115 Cliff Dr., Eagan, MN 55122. *
Teacher/Professor’s Letter of Recommendation
Ask a professor to write a letter of recommendation describing your qualities of character, leadership, and outstanding contributions. If you are a new student and do not know any of your professors you may select a teacher from your previous school. If the teacher/professor is your parent or spouse you must ask another teacher or professor to write a letter. Applicants attending college or seminary for at least a semester will request a letter from a professor. Allow enough time for the letter to be completed and submitted by the September 30 deadline. Letters may be submitted by email: office@lakesandprairies.org, fax: 651-357-1141, or mail: 2115 Cliff Dr., Eagan, MN 55122. *
Official Transcript
The registrar’s office must submit an official copy of your transcript directly to the Synod Office at office@lakesandprairies.org. Allow enough time for your request to be completed and submitted by the September 30 deadline.
Recent High School graduates should contact their high school for information on how to request an official transcript.
The application is online; you may save your application at any point and return to it later. If you wish to view or print the application click here.
*Questions about the scholarship application should be sent to office@lakesandprairies.org or phone 651-357-1143.

Who Can Apply
​The Racial Equity Scholarship Fund is an educational assistance program designed to encourage Racial Ethnic Students to complete their college education and graduate with an academic degree to prepare for life-long employment, elected, or volunteer service.
Funds for this program are provided by the Committee on Racial Equity Ministry, Synod of Lakes and Prairies, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Applicants MUST be:
Racial Ethnic students whose permanent residence is in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.
Active members in a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Enrolled as least half-time and in good academic standing.
Making progress toward a degree.
Able to demonstrate financial need.
Applications will be evaluated, and awards selected based on information supplied on the application form and the recommendations from a pastor and teacher/professor. Students must be able to demonstrate their leadership in a variety of roles. Winning consideration will focus on academic achievement and personal qualities reflected in church, school, and community activities.
It is the responsibility of the student to see that the official transcript, financial aid information, letters of recommendation, and application are all submitted by the deadline, September 30th. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
All applicants will be notified by the committee (via email) if they have been chosen for an award or not. The scholarship award may only be used toward educational costs and will be paid directly to the school. The scholarship is a supplement to any other financial aid received by the student and becomes part of the total financial aid package.
Carefully read the application instructions (below) before you begin. You may want to bookmark this page for easy referral.