The PC(USA) has, for decades, wrestled with racism by writing theological statements, adopting anti-racist policies, acknowledging racism as sin, calling on congregations to include workshops and worship services on reparations, reconciliation, and renewal in conferences. It is time to move from policy to investment and action.
As part of the Synod’s Restorative Giving Initiative, individuals, congregations, mid-councils and other organizations are invited to make a commitment to set aside the benefits that privilege has brought them (5% of income or 15% of wealth) and pass it back for equitable redistribution. Monies gathered are be allocated for benefit to Indigenous and African American communities based on the composition of the income or wealth that sources them.
On October 5, 2020, the Synod of Lakes and Prairies approved the dedication of $351,000, representing 15% of its accumulated wealth (undesignated/unrestricted net assets), to seed potential Churchwide efforts related to this initiative. $189,000 is being designated for eventual transfer benefiting Indigenous communities, while $162,000 is being designated for eventual transfer to benefit African American communities.
Learn more about the synod's action on Restorative Actions, click here.
This link takes you to the Fall 2021 presentation to the synod assembly.
Restorative Actions is now in it's fifth year. This is a volunteer led initiative with a team of seven enthusiastic volunteers who hold a wide rage of cultural and generational identities.
Together, they have had hundreds of conversations with faith-based and secular organizations. Their early efforts have blossomed into deeper dialogue and greater outreach.
Over the past four years the volunteer team has successfully built this initiative with expertise across multiple disciplines including theology, parish ministry, denomination-wide leadership, organization, finance, and business skills. They has created ways to communicate to individuals and institutions for whom the possibility of Reparations involves an existing yet unfamiliar set of new relationships and processes.
Additionally, they have created the legal structures and mechanisms necessary to remain in compliance with IRS rules.
Members of our team are always available to meet with congregations, mid-councils, session, mission teams, and social justice committees. They are available for conversation, presentations, and consultation.
Resources recommended by the Rev. Anthony Jermaine Ross-Allam:
Mary Frances Berry, “My Face is Black is True: Callie House and the Struggle for Ex-Slave Reparations,” 2005.
Cheryl Gilkes (interviewer), Black Women Oral History Project. Interviews, 1976-1981. Audley Moore. OH-31. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (https://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:10047386)
Lee A. Harris. ‘Reparations’ as a Dirty Word: The Norm against Slavery Reparations, 2003.
Mark Elliott. Color-Blind Justice: Albion Tourgée and the Quest for Racial Equality from the Civil War to Plessy v. Ferguson, 2006.
William A. Darity Jr. & A. Kirsten Mullen. “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” 2020.
Michael T. Martin and Marilyn Yaquinto, eds. “Redress for Historical Injustices in the United States: On Reparations for Slavery, Jim Crow, and Their Legacies,” 2006.
Ana Lucia, Araujo. “Reparations for Slavery and the Slave Trade: A Transnational and Comparative History,” 2017.
“Everyday Nonviolence,” a podcast by Friends for a NonViolent World. Indigenous Boarding Schools and Restorative Actions featuring Paula Palmer and Elona Street-Stewart.