The Racial Equity Student Scholarship Fund is an educational assistance program designed to encourage racial ethnic students in their preparation for academic success in higher education.
Students must have a permanent residence within the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and be active members in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation. The synod is committed to partner with students and schools for greater access to lifelong leadership skills and affordable education. Application awards are based on personal achievement, financial need and recommendation from a teacher and pastor.
Applications are due on September 30th each year.
Racial Equity Student Scholarship Fund
The Hendrickson Scholarship Fund is an educational assistance program designed to encourage residents of Nebraska in their preparation for service in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Funds for this program are provided by the earnings of a gift to the Synod of Lakes and Prairies through the will of Carol Hendrickson, and from her husband, Bruce Hendrickson. The Hendricksons are/were very active in the church in Holdrege, Nebraska, and in the Synod and General Assembly.
Students must be able to demonstrate their preparation for service as a church professional. Winning consideration will focus on qualities reflected in school, church, and community activities, and academic achievement.
Applications are considered as they are received.
Hendrickson Scholarship Fund
If you are serving in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and are looking for relief from your student loan debt there is assistance available. Visit Financial Aid for Service's Student Loan Assistance.
Figuring out how to pay for college? Find resources and information by clicking here.
Informational flyers:
Student Loan Forgiveness Common Misconception
Path to Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Questions? Contact Sandra Duverge, Associate, Financial Aid for Service